HELENA — Bold spices and tropical ingredients are expected when eating at Habana 406, a Helena food truck. Still, their Cuban creations are not the only way this family brings their culture to our community.

Food truck exterior

Allie Kaiser MTN News

Adonis Zamora and Mai Lee Jones are a Helena couple who opened Habana 406 two years ago.

Serving Caldosa, tamales, and their most popular item, the Cuban sandwich, the couple specializes in the food of their home country.

Cutting tomatoes.jpg

Allie Kaiser MTN News

“People come to us and say, ‘I feel the love. I can taste it,'” said Jones. 

While Zamora and Jones have a love for their culture, they left Cuba about ten years ago. 

Jones said, “It’s hard. You never want to leave your house or your because of the political situation. [With] our salary, we couldn’t afford to buy the passport. My mom had to buy the passport for me and bring me to Jamaica. Then when I started working, I was able to help him.” 

Couple working

Allie Kaiser MTN News

After settling into Helena with their two daughters, the couple began selling food from their home and saved up to buy the food truck.

Many of their ingredients must be shipped to them from outside the state.

Dishing meat

Allie Kaiser MTN News

“We met all the Cuban people that live in other places, and they hear about us, and they say, ‘I want to try this.’ This is something that touches us so much,” said Zamora. 

When they are not sharing their culture through food, Zamora and Jones are regulars at Hot Latin Dance Nights at Miller’s Crossing, where they dance salsa, reggaeton, and cha-cha-cha.

Jones said, “We have it in our blood. [We would] teach each other at school. At the park, you can see people learning how to dance,” said Jones.

No matter what the couple is doing, they try to keep one thing in mind.

Cuban tight shot

Allie Kaiser MTN News

“The most important thing is that you put part of your heart in what you’re doing,” said Zamora. 

The best way to know where Habana 406 will be is by following them on their Facebook or Instagram.

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