Is this 18-story imitation of the Eiffel Tower-cum-Golden Gate Bridge necessary? Instead of this tribute to conspicuous consumption, consider a Polynesian reference to the history of the Ala Wai Canal, whose purpose was to drain the bubbly waters of the delta formed by descending mountain streams, occupied by fields of wet taro, duck and fishponds, managed by farmers so Waikiki could blossom.
The structure should have stanchions at each end so motorcyclists cannot turn a convenience into a racetrack from Waikiki to Moiliili and Manoa Valley.
This is an opportunity to demonstrate restraint and cultural charm, possibly with a gentle arch in the center to draw the walker to watch the tilapia make their way among the flotsam and jetsam that plague the nearly 100-year-old Ala Wai Canal.
Let’s celebrate our surroundings, not abandon them for gaudy repetition.
Erica Rafat
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In the spirit of this season, take a moment to count your blessings. Recent times might’ve been tough — politically, economically or otherwise — but surely there are positives.
Here’s your chance to reflect on what you appreciate. Today through Dec. 9, we’ll be accepting “Count Your Blessings” letters (150 words max) or essays (500-600 words). A collection of these will run in mid-December.
Email to; or send to 500 Ala Moana Blvd., Bldg. 2, room 200, Honolulu 96813, c/o Letters.
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