There are two movies releasing within just days of each other that I think you should go and watch. The first to come out is Culture Warrior: Don Wildmon and the Battle for Decency, and the second is Patterns of Evidence: The Israel Dilemma. Both are important documentaries, and both will encourage you!
Culture Warrior
Culture Warrior is a new movie from the American Family Association, sharing the story of their founder Don Wildmon and his bold fight, beginning in the 1970s, for Christian morality.
At that time, he noticed many Christians were not standing up to the onslaught of immorality in the entertainment industry and decided to get in the trenches and do something about it by starting a ministry to defend decency, the Scriptures, and the family.
As you’ll hear in the trailer, he often mentioned that it didn’t matter if they were successful in their fight, for God doesn’t demand success, but he does require us to be faithful. What a timely message for the dark days we live in!
What a timely message for the dark days we live in!
Please note that our staff who reviewed this film for me noted that some scenes may not be appropriate for younger viewers, including photographs of abortion victims and a lesbian kiss.
Culture Warrior will be available to stream beginning November 11, 2024, from their movie website.
Patterns of Evidence
The second film I encourage you to watch is coming to theaters November 13, 14, and 17 only. And that is the newest documentary in the excellent Patterns of Evidence series: The Israel Dilemma.
This film is the first in a two-part series on what Israel’s history has to do with modern-day events and whether the ancient prophecies given in the Bible were written before the events occurred (like the Bible says) or after. In this film you’ll find even “hostile witnesses” (secularists) admitting that the Bible accurately describes events. It’s a powerful testimony to the faithfulness of God and his Word.
You won’t want to miss it! You can read a full review from AiG’s Troy Lacey on our website. Get your tickets to see The Israel Dilemma from their website.
Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,
This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.