So it’s been over a week since When the Stars Gossip premiered on tvN for the Sat-Sun time slot with a simul-stream on global platform Netflix. The ratings on tvN started off low-ish around 3% range and dropped to 2% range in the second week, portending a major flop for the network. Unfortunately it’s viewership on Netflix won’t be anything to write home about either, during the week of Jan 6-12th the first full week after the show premiered, it entered the top 10 at the #8 spot but behind three other K-dramas. Squid Game 2 was of course going to be #1 and no one expected Stars to even contend with but the OG Squid Game season 1 even three years after airing is back in #3 and the surprise is the little drama that could When the Phone Rings coming in at #7. I think the concept of Stars is great but the script is just trash and the a big name cast isn’t enough to overcome unappealing characters and inexplicably assembled together plot elements.